Smash asks Squirt "What do you want to be for Halloween?"
Squirt says - "A Blue Whale"
Mommy says - Groan....
You might imagine I would love to make my little squirt an beautiful homemade costume - usually you would be right! But my hesitancy starts with our experience last year... Squirt wanted to be big bird - I dove in - creating, loving it, looking at Martha, Sesame and pouring hours & love into this costume (ROOKIE MOM MISTAKE). I even made hats for Smashy & I to match. The only element of the five-part costume I could get on Squirt - the bright pink bird legs with marabou feather rings!
Yep - he is a boy and he officially went as "bird legs"
Thus began the Blue Whale challenge - none are commercially made, he wouldn't go for a killer whale costume (informing me that those are what kill real whales - smart I know).
I committed I would make a modular costume. All the big elements (mouth, tail, flippers) had to be removable - so no sadness and we all have a great experience on all Hallows Eve.
I decided all of the costume would be build around a sweatshirt, and jeans & a blue shirt would be the base.
I used fabric from my stash and drew out paper patterns for the spout, flippers & tail. I just free-handed the mouth and eyes. He loves it - win! He has it on - win! It cost a total of $5 - WIN!