Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Help me name the Moose at the sale or comment on the blog!

Cole Here - I don't love the naming process of some of my creations!  Can you help me name this bad boy?

Sale info -  December 3 - 10-3 pm @ Studio Woo Hoo 
email for the address -

Come see us & the Moose at the sale!  We will be working, chatting, snacking and probably drinking a little! Join us for the merriment and get a little shopping in too! If you are not local check out our Etsy shop for a handmade gift!  Give Local Art for the Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Open hands of thanksgiving...In other words I got nothing but on first look I was seeing hands reaching out of the sides... and then I thought well if we are going to call it an animal I think it looks like a turkey. =)

    Good luck coming up with a name! Happy Selling!!
